Sector overview
Energy is one of the most visible and dynamic industries in the world. The sector is truly global and is segmented into Upstream (Exploration & Production), Midstream (Storage & Transportation) and Downstream (Refining & Marketing). Oilfield services are also an integral part of the value chain.
Some of the world’s largest corporations are fully integrated Oil and Gas companies and Oilfield services organisations developing reserves and technologies on a global scale.
Key Recruiting Challenges
- Insufficient talent has entered into this sector industry during the past years. The workforce has matured and continues to, creating severe skills shortages.
- Oil and gas projects have become so large scale and risky, especially into offshore and ultra-deep waters. The industry is seeing more joint ventures projects between competitors. This requires a very specific type of talent
- The NOC (National Oil Companies) are becoming very powerful and more global in their thinking. This will have an impact on the senior talent needs in the industry.

What we can offer
Energy is one of our core sectors and we have built a very strong reputation in providing talent acquisition solutions across the mining value chain. We have offered our services to funding organisations, operating companies (majors, mid-tier and juniors), consulting firms and engineering contractors.
We are well positioned to engage with talent at the mid to senior level across all functional areas. We have been particularly successful in sourcing the best talent for business critical roles that requires a combination of strategic, operational, project leadership skills.
We proactively identify and assess mid to senior level executives, project and functional leadership, and conduct assessments to understand culture fit analyses for mining organisations around the world. We can also provide strategic advice, practical insights and sector perspectives form a talent acquisition perspective